About Us

For nearly twenty years, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes develop their marketing programs by applying our complementary skill sets (market research and strategy, digital and print design, social media and blog management) to their marketing needs.

We believe in the power of customized marketing solutions. Our flexible approach allows us to serve as your full-service marketing agency or provide targeted support for specific projects. However you choose to engage our services, we thrive on long-term relationships where we can grab a seat at the table and develop the in-depth understanding of your customers and goals that we’ll need to help you succeed!

Benefits of partnering with SPK Media include:

  • Increased Efficiency: By leveraging our specialized expertise, you can focus on your core business functions while ensuring your marketing efforts are in good hands.

  • Access to Expertise: Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience across industries, providing you with valuable insights and best practices.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Whether you need support for a one-time project or ongoing assistance, we can adapt our services to meet your evolving needs.

  • Measurable Results: We deliver tangible outcomes that contribute to your business growth, such as lead generation, and customer engagement.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Your projects will be more cost-effective than hiring full-time in-house experts.

Our Team


David Shaw has been working in customer insights and strategy for 25 years. With a PhD in communication and media studies, he brings an academic perspective to your marketing program and ensures that you get the right message to the right audience through the right channels.

David can:

  • Help you understand your customers better
  • Identify opportunities for innovation
  • Manage your NPS efforts and create roadmaps for improvement
  • Conduct a competitive analysis of your competitors’ marketing landscape
  •  Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy


Dresden Brettin orchestrates campaigns and employs innovative communication strategies to enhance engagement. With an M.A. in International and Intercultural Communication from the University of Denver, her diverse expertise spans public relations to community development. Fueled by creativity and an innate ability to network, she’s known to spark connections even in her sleep!

Dresden can:

  • Craft creative copy to engage your audience 
  • Provide expert copyediting service
  • Refine your online presence to drive lead generation 
  • Build and execute dynamic social media campaigns
  • Strengthen your voice through creative storytelling 


Jesse Brettin leads SPK’s design practice with over 20 years of expertise. A graduate of the Art Institute of Colorado, he’s well-versed in design technologies. Beyond technical skills, Jesse excels in facilitating design and gathering requirements to drive projects forward. With a focus on creative management, he ensures your initiatives align with objectives, delivering impactful results.

Jesse can:

  • Create eye-catching social media posts that foster online engagement
  • Cultivate brand cohesion for audience recognition and trust 
  • Develop professional digital ads to convert potential customers 
  • Design compelling landing pages to optimize lead conversion 
  • Build user-friendly websites that facilitate brand recognition

Schedule a call if you’d like to learn more about bringing an insights-driven strategy to your marketing.